对基于 Kong 的开发有较多实践经验。
十余年的 Lua 咸鱼,抄起 OpenResty 就是干。
Hey,我是 ms2008,程序员,多出没于博客、Twitter、Github 等地带,绝招尚在开发中。
一些作品和开源软件项目,👉 戳 Portfolio、Github。
I’m not a native English speaker, so forgive me any mistakes.
Hi, I am @ms2008, a software engineer. Messing with computers for over 10 years.
This site’s main purpose is to serve as the home of a slowly updating collection of technotes for my experience, primarily focused on Golang, C, Lua/OpenResty, Python, TCP/IP.
The articles contained on this site is free, oriented toward experienced users who are interested in high-performance backend programming.
Feel free to email me with any comments, suggestions or bugs. I can’t promise to always reply to every email (in fact I tend not to reply to many at all!) due to lack of free time but you can be assured I do read every one I receive.